It has been a few weeks since I have blogged. I have had a lot going on these past couple of week and we were preparing to go on vacation and I did not want to advertise that we were going on vacation so I wasn’t able to blog about how excited I was! Last… Continue reading Summer Vacation
Author: clbivens
Sweet Summertime
What a week! I thought this was the longest week that I have had in a while! You’d think since I am not working or going to school this summer that I might enjoy the week a bit better but I just love spending time with my husband! When he is at work, I just… Continue reading Sweet Summertime
The Beautiful End of a Long Week
It is FINALLY Friday! This week has been entirely too long! I don’t know why, but it just seems like it has been forever since I have seen my husband. We have been very busy this week and he has had a few projects that he has worked extra long at for work this week… Continue reading The Beautiful End of a Long Week
Not-so-Lazy Sunday
We started off our day today by going to church. Since we have moved to a new place, we have to find a new church to call home. For some reason, this is a daunting task for me. I have only been a member of 2 churches in my lifetime. The first church was the… Continue reading Not-so-Lazy Sunday
Home Sweet Home
So we have everything moved into the new house! Notice I didn’t say we had everything unpacked! :) I am loving our new home even though it is a wreck! We moved in a week ago yesterday. When we packed the Budget truck to head here, our landlord stopped by our truck and was shocked… Continue reading Home Sweet Home
Crazy Times
WOW! Apparently I haven’t blogged since the fall and here we are on the brink of summer! I am trying to think of all the adventures that we have gone through since the fall, but they are way too numerous to mention. I will update you on the big stuff. I have been accepted in… Continue reading Crazy Times
Fall Has Arrived
So I have not been successful at keeping up my blog! OOPS! Needless to say, things are very busy around the Bivens’ household! The last time that I blogged I was working on taking a Chemistry course, I am happy to report that I got an A in the course…. while working full time! I… Continue reading Fall Has Arrived
Pancakes, Quizzes, and Visits
I am not sure why I am taking the time to update this blog right now, but hey… why not! My husband is in the kitchen cooking me pancakes! What a great husband I have! We have been incredibly busy lately! I have been trying to workout more lately and I just remembered how much… Continue reading Pancakes, Quizzes, and Visits
Memorial Day Weekend
I am so thankful that it is Memorial Day weekend. We have had a great weekend so far! I began my weekend on Thursday by going to dinner and a movie with my good friend Sydney! We went to eat a Chili’s and then headed to the movie theater. I was very disappointed by the… Continue reading Memorial Day Weekend
First Official Blog at
So this is my first official blog as Cynthia Bivens at! Yay! I don’t know where to start… things have been really crazy and in a whirlwind lately! Grant and I got married on December 27th and have been busy every since! :) I just finished up a Physiology class and am preparing to… Continue reading First Official Blog at